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A Letter to My Dog

Check out my letter to Julius as part of A Letter to My Dog: Season 2

Dear Julius,

Your human sister was 2 years old and your baby brother was due in 3 months. I was working 12 hours a day playing football, watching film, preparing for a playoff run with my Tennessee Titans teammates. That's when your crazy mom decided to tell me that she thought were meant to be a Ryan. I doubted her. I truly did. But she couldn't have been more right.

Though YOU can't see, you have changed the way I view the world. You can do what any other dog does. I still watch in amazement as you navigate a world that you can't physically see. I smile as you chase your tail, play with your toy monkey and walk right by my side through the neighborhood. Thank you for reminding me to slow it down every once in a while and enjoy the little things.

I thank you for encouraging me to live life with no limits, just like you do. No one believes me when I tell them you taught yourself how to go up and down the stairs. Or when I tell them that you sometimes join me for my morning jog. You don't let anything hold you back. That's something I hope to keep with me both on and off the field.

Looking back on it now, adopting you was one of the best decisions of my life. As you came home to a new, busy household, you blindly trusted that we would always do what's best for you. I quickly learned that you've always been what's best for us. You were meant to be a Ryan.

Love, Dad

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